Welcome to the credits of Pokemon Emerald Imperium. This page honors the incredible work of the various creators and gives well-deserved recognition to each individual who contributed to making this game a reality. It also acknowledges the creators whose resources were used in the development of the game. A heartfelt tribute to all those who played a part in bringing this game to life!
Pokemon Emerald Imperium Full List of Credits
- pret, for the pokeemerald decomp
- RHH, for the pokeemerald-expansion hack base
- The Team Aqua’s Hideout Crew, for everything 🙂
- Radical Red and its developers, for being the main inspiration for this game and for the ideas behind the majority of the balance changes made in this game
Assets and Art:
- Background for title screen: PurrfectDoodle
- All Gen 4 overworld sprites (Dawn, Roark, Gardenia, Fantina, Maylene, Wake, Byron, Candice, Volkner, Cynthia): PurrfectDoodle
- Custom Wally overworld sprite: PurrfectDoodle
- Both Mega Empoleon battle sprites (front and back): IridescentMirage
- Mega Infernape battle sprites (front and back) as well as custom shiny: camioftargon
- Mega Luxray battle sprites (front and back): camioftargon
- Mega Dusknoir battle sprites (front and back): camioftargon
- Mega Roserade front sprite: Rachel T
- Mega Roserade back sprite: camioftargon
- Mega Slaking battle sprites (front and back): Pokets
- Music from Gen 4: cyan/furrets, port to expansion by grunt lucas
- Discord logo: IridescentMirage
Feature branches (I (Creator: iriv24) made edits to a lot of these features so they may be slightly different than their original implementations):
- DexNav: ghouslash
- Randomizer: tertu
- Gen 5 style Pokémon summary screen: RavePossum
- Nature changer: RavePossum
- Gen 5 style party menu screen: Archie
- Stat editor: Archie
- Start menu clock: Pawkkie
- Cheat code system: Pawkkie
- Sleep Clause: Pawkkie (and myself)
- InfiniteCandy: Pawkkie
- Type icons in battle: psf
- Menu for multiple registered key items: TheXaman, fixes by RavePossum
- Item sorting: ghouslash
- Following Pokémon: merrp
- Toggling following Pokémon: Kasen
- Relearn egg moves: AGSMGMaster
- Swap party member slots using Select button: Lunos
- Forced battle style: Hestia
- BetterBag: AsparagusEduardo
- Hold R to speed through NPC dialogue: Zatsu
- Fly from PokeNav: khbsd
- Cap
- Suneal
- DollaMike
- Sunbird
- GammaJirachi
Special thanks:
I know I already listed rhh at the top of the credits, but I still do want to give a huge special thanks to DizzyEgg and all of the pokeemerald-expansion maintainers, as well as all the numerous folks who’ve made contributions to expansion. Expansion is really just such an amazing resource and base to use as a hack and has such a great community of people surrounding it.
The next special thanks goes out to the members of Team Aqua’s Hideout. I spent so much time hanging out in this Discord while working on this game, and while I initially arrived there to ask questions about romhacking (which of course, I never stopped asking, and people never stopped answering), I also met so many great people and had such a wonderful experience during that time. You guys are seriously the best, and I am so appreciative of all the help I’ve received from you along the way, and even more appreciative of all the fun times we’ve shared :). I feel like I could write a paragraph about each of you individually, but I’ll spare everyone and instead give a huge shoutout to Archie, RavePossum, PurrfectDoodle, Pawkkie, Alex, mudskip, PCG, Wiz, Kasen, hedara, Spirits Undead, ShinyDragonHunter, Kithri, Zatsu, psf, Sylph, Juan, nico, vol, Mikey, HashtagMarky, Phantonomy, redsquidz, ruby, Turtleye, ryuuji, and so many more for all of your help, and for all the fun conversations and good times over the past year or so.
My final special thanks to the developers of Radical Red for making a game that inspired me to start this project, which I’ve enjoyed working on so much. I also want to give a personal special thanks to soupercell. I actually messaged him a couple years ago, completely out of the blue, and told him about this idea (which I know is not an original one and is one I’m sure he’s heard often), and he was kind enough to respond supportively, and is actually the first person that pointed me to the pokeemerald decomps. He had some very kind and encouraging words to a complete stranger when he could have just easily not responded, so I sincerely thank him for more than just his development efforts towards a game that I admire.